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Daily Sweat Programs 

Sweat Program for $19.99

  1. Work Along Programming. This is where you get to workout with your trainer and get the motivation throughout the workout.
  2. Private workout community.You can communicate with other Daily Sweaters.
  3. We will upload 2-3 weekly workouts.
  4. Don't sweat if you don't have any fitness equipment. We can get your our "Sweat Workout Workout Kit."
  5. Have access to personal coaching within our private community pages. You ask the question and we will have your back. 
  6. Cancel at any time. 
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Workout | Ebooks

Are you the type of person that want to choose what type of workout you want to do for the next 4-6 weeks. Or maybe you like to know what to eat or add to your recipe library. Perfect, check out our ebooks. We will add new ebooks every quarter of the year. 

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